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What is a RediQuest?


A RediQuest is an online course that provides its users with questions, information, media and tools for collaboration. Through a RediQuest you learn to solve BIG Issues and do so by working with others.

Thinking Interdependently

What does it mean?

The ability to work, learn, think and act together. Understanding that many minds can be stronger than one. Celebrating diversity and multiple perspectives as a strength of our communities. Being able to make compromises for the greater good.

Why does it matter?

We live in communities and it is unavoidable that you will need to interact with many different people with ideas, beliefs and values unlike yours.

When should you use it?

 Whenever you have the opportunity to engage in a worthwhile activity or task as part of a group.

An example:

5 Top Strategies: 

  1. Begin by accepting that the success of the groups depends on everyone's complete participation
  2. Aim to listen more than you speak
  3. Celebrate diversity rathe than seeking uniformity
  4. Teams typically move through three stage; 1. Forming- When you come together and get to know each other 2. Storming - When you clash over different approaches and perspectives 3. Norming - When you start to function as a group striving to achieve a common purpose
  5. All groups need leaders, followers, scribes, creatives, thinkers, the best groups allow people to take on the right role at the right time


5 Questions to ask about your thinking:


  1. Are you helping the group move forwards? What role are you playing? What role is needed?
  2. What is the group's purpose? What goals are you working towards? Being clear on this is essential but a step that many groups get wrong.
  3. What have we achieved? What have we learned? What is the next step? What problems do we face? Take time to reflect on your progress.
  4. WIIFM? - What's In It For Me? Everyone in a group will have a WIIFM, knowing what these are will help you function as a group.
  5. Are you all agreeing too easily? Groupthink can be a problem for groups when the individuals disappear and you think as one person or agree on ideas without testing their merits.


Thinking Routines for Thinking Interdependently:

  1. Think, Pair, Share - Begin by considering options or responses by yourself. Give this process some time and then share your ideas with a partner. Once you have explained your ideas to your partner and listened to their thinking, share your combined ideas with the larger group. This can maximise the options available to the group and increases the power of many minds working together.
  2. Stop, Look, Listen for Group Reflection - Stop - Review your goals and purpose. Look - For evidence of your progress and reflect on what is working and what is not. This task should be assigned to the group's scribe who has recorded the group's notes and discussion. Listen - Allow each team member to verbalise how they would like the group to proceed.
  3. Circle of Viewpoints for Group Reflection - Use this routine to identify each group member's point of view. You can extend the perspective discussed by allowing some members to contribute an alternative view-point; playing devil's advocate.
    1. Take turns to respond to each point:
      1. I am thinking of the topic from the point of view of . . .
      2. I think  . . . - describe the topic from your point of view
      3. A question I have from this point of view is . . .
    2. Finish by reflecting on the discussion and the ideas generated. Determine as a group what action is required to move forward.


Thinking Routines adapted from Harvard's 'Visible Thinking Resource Book'